How To Easily Verify WhatsApp Without Using Phone Number?

Verify WhatsApp

The WhatsApp has been around for a long time and remains as popular as it was when it first launched. Despite being owned by Facebook, it has maintained its independence and has not fallen into the same data-collecting tendencies as its parent company. Nevertheless, the obligation to use your phone number is a source of anxiety for new users. WhatsApp appears to use your phone number for verification. If you cannot use your phone number for whatever reason, there are other ways to verify the app. This article will demonstrate how to verify WhatsApp without using your phone number.

How To Easily Use WhatsApp Without Using A Phone Number?

When you initially install WhatsApp, a phone verification screen appears. This screen requires your phone number as well as your country. WhatsApp will then send you a code on your phone. If you register on the device with the phone number used for verification, WhatsApp will instantly pick it up and verify your phone.

Verify WhatsApp

If it doesn’t recognize the SMS, enter the code into the app, and you’ll be registered. It’s a straightforward system that works well but can sometimes be inconvenient. There are four simple ways to register for WhatsApp without providing your phone number: an online SMS service, a landline, Google Voice or Skype, a payphone, or someone else’s number.

Online SMS

Today, there are dozens of SMS websites on the internet. It’s simple to locate an SMS provider online and use their phone number to verify WhatsApp. You may also use Skype if you have a Skype number and credit. Texport is an excellent example, offering a dependable service that lets you send up to three texts and receive an unlimited number of texts during each free session. Enter the supplied number into the WhatsApp verification screen and keep an eye on the website. Within a minute or two, you should arrive the WhatsApp verification code. When that happens, enter the code, and the app should verify.

Verify WhatsApp


It should also work if you’ve a landline and don’t mind handing them your phone number. Depending on where you live, your phone company should have a system that will read an SMS to you on your regular landline phone. This approach will vary depending on your carrier, but it is a common accessibility feature. Within WhatsApp, select the country, and remove the leading “0” from your phone number. WhatsApp will add your country code immediately, and you’re good to go. You should receive a call in which the code is spoken. You’re registered after you enter that code into the app. You may also use WhatsApp’s backup verification, which entails a phone call. This is a good option if you have a landline that lacks the accessibility mentioned above. Wait for the app to send the verification to your landline number. Then choose the option to receive a call. An automated system will call your number and speak a code to you. Input the code into the app and confirm it. WhatsApp should accept the code, and you’re good to go!

Google Voice Or Skype

Google Voice and Skype give virtual numbers you can use online to call within their networks and break out of to call a mobile or landline. If you already have this, it’s a quick and easy method to register for WhatsApp without providing your phone number. The procedure is the same as described above for landlines. Set your WhatsApp country code and remove the leading “0” from your Google Voice or Skype number. Wait for the SMS to arrive by opening the appropriate phone app. You’re verified after you enter the code into WhatsApp. I registered my WhatsApp copy with a Skype number many years ago, and it worked well. Be patient; it took a moment or two for the number to arrive, but verification occurred relatively instantly once it did.

Verify WhatsApp

Use Payphone

Well, if you still have payphones on your number, you can use them to register for WhatsApp. You may enter the payphone number, wait for the SMS verification to fail, and then choose to receive a call, just as you would with a landline. It’s not a good idea to do this somewhere crowded since you may have to wait up to ten minutes for the SMS verification to fail and for the call me an option to display on WhatsApp. After that, enter the payphone number, accept the call, enter the six-digit code, and confirm. If there isn’t a payphone nearby, you can use any phone number you can access. Those are the only methods I know for verifying WhatsApp without using your cell phone. Do you know of any others that work? Tell us about them in the comments!

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